What makes Function of Tech a great place?

At FoT, we are committed to creating the best consulting experience both for clients and staff. Join us in driving technology transformation in great leaps across industries.

Interested? Learn the inner workings of how we engage with clients to generate superior returns on consulting engagements. Together, we can unlock the potential of technology.

Our core values & beliefs

  • Health-first mindset

    FoT is committed to ensuring that everyone working here grow and develop across the three health dimensions Physical Health, Mental Resilience and Professional Capacity.

    No one here is asked to sacrifice any health dimension for short term results, nor long term career advancement. We believe healthy people perform better and are more creative, and that an explicit focus on growing our people’s health metrics leads to better results for our clients.

  • Client value focus

    ​​​​When working side-by-side with client staff, we not only make sure that our solutions create maximum value, but we are also dedicated to maximize involvement and learning of client staff.

    Our “show-not-tell” approach to best practice project execution runs as a common pattern across all our activities from start to end of our engagement.

  • World class products

    We strive to deliver everything we do as world class products and standardized offerings, focusing on shortening time to benefit and utilizing proven ways to increase value of output.

    Our services are condensations of decades of experience put into practice for our clients. We are confident this promise to excellence is a strong driver of customer satisfaction and helps create more trusting relationships with our clients.

  • Tech-enabled

    Tech is at the heart of what we do and we embrace digitalization and automation to make work easier, more effective and joyful.

    Our core is tech advisory and implementation – but we also develop and implement software (and hardware) in our own processes to boost the value of our services. Our people are encouraged to spot inefficient work and form task forces to eliminate it.

  • We work smart & hard (not long)

    We know that the regular work week won’t change the world. However, we genuinely believe that carving out time every day for non-work activities makes us more focused on completion and prioritization of the right activities.

    We do not allow poor planning or inefficiencies to cause negative ripple-effects across our teams. Instead, we are committed to utilizing other mechanisms than intense labor in odd hours to ensure high quality engagements.

    We are convinced that one of the best ways to find smarter ways of working is to carve out focus time for reflecting on how to improve how we work together as a team.

  • Consulting is a Craft

    Consulting is a craft, not a steppingstone or pyramid game.

    What drives us, is to spread among our clients the magic feeling of having worked with true professionals – passionate about what they do and capable of shining light on complex topics. We have set ourselves on a trajectory to leave lasting marks wherever we go, and are committed to transform ourselves and everything we do to push the boundaries of consulting.